
What's New

Men of Augusta ConferenceI am looking forward to being a part of the  MEN OF AUGUSTA CONFERENCE Feb.28, 29 at Abilene Baptist Church. Brad Whitt is the pastor there and loves impacting men to have a huge impact on their family, their work, their church and their community. I would love to see you there as I join the speaking team for a life-changing weekend!


No matter where you are on the Journey of Life, It’s not too late to live a life that matters. We want to help you get there.Our goal is intentional transformation for kingdom impact!

Total Life Impact Ministries, founded by Bob and Cheryl Reccord, helps people and organizations make a lasting impact on their world. Bob and Cheryl Reccord’s passion is to see men, women and organizations experience their full potential in life and relationship with God.

Through their years of service in both the public, private and faith-based sectors, the Reccords have seen individuals and organizations experience life’s pinnacle while also seeing others give in to moral failure or decline. Whether speaking, coaching or consulting as individuals…or as a couple…Bob and Cheryl Reccord help people and organizations refocus their direction for a life of greater significance and impact.


Our Conferences

marriage counseling

Marriage Conferences

In a day when marriages are coming apart at the seams at record rates, Bob and Cheryl Reccord

Men's Conferences

Between 2006-2020 Bob has spoken to more than 300,000 men in conferences and simulcasts,

Wild Game Dinners

If you know Bob Reccord, you know he loves the outdoors. From fishing to hunting to paragliding off the

PRC Banquets

Bob has crisscrossed the nation speaking on behalf of Pregnancy Resource Centers, sharing his message EVERY LIFE MATTERS!


Parenting Conferences

If right where you are finds you parenting or grand-parenting working a career or enjoying the fruits of your


Total Life Impact Ministries

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing what God is going to do!

If you're interested in hosting a conference all you need to do is fill out a Speaker Request Form, and we will get in touch with you.