Marriage is a beautiful union created by our Lord but which requires intentionality on the part of both husband and wife to experience a fulfilled marriage. Dr. Bob Reccord and Cheryl Reccord provide an excellent conference in Adventures in Marriage dealing with the practical issues of the marital relationship. They provide a refreshing transparency from their own lives, insightful principles for experiencing marital harmony and practical exercises for engaging each other in healthy dialogue for understanding. I recommend you schedule them for leading an Adventures in Marriage conference in your church.
Rev. Chuck Rife
Pastor of Adult Ministries, First Free Church of Rockford
Rockford, IL
Rockford, IL
Bob Reccord is an engaging and dynamic speaker that speaks directly to the heart. After 30 years in the banking industry and hearing countless numbers of speakers; Bob Reccord’s approach stopped me in my tracks and made me take a look at my life from the inside out. For the first time I began to look at Faith, Family and Business as they relate together and not just as individual compartments of my life. It has initiated a conversation in our workplace of how we must move from success into significance.
John Jackson
President & CEO, Bank of Atlanta
I cannot endorse Bob Reccord and Cheryl Reccord highly enough. As a thankful beneficiary to their wisdom in my own marriage, I can tell you that few couples approach the topic with the level of authenticity, practicality, and seasoned biblical insight like the Reccords. I heartily recommend them.
Dr. Rusty Hayes
Former Senior Pastor
First Free Church of Rockford
Rockford, IL
First Free Church of Rockford
Rockford, IL
Bob and Cheryl Reccord hit a home run in their messages at our 2008 Couples Getaway weekend at the Cove. These words from our guests show the deep appreciation everyone had for the Reccords: "their material was deeply personal and highly relevant along with practical application that was scripture-based," "Bob and Cheryl's delivery was effective and refreshing," "Dr. and Mrs. Reccord were tremendous," and "The Reccords were so great to listen to and learn from."
Les Steckel
Former President and CEO,
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
THE ADVENTURE OF MARRIAGE conference is a must for everyone—whether you’ve been married for years, are newlyweds, or even single! With refreshing transparency, depth of insight, and lots of humor, Bob and Cheryl will help equip you for a more intimate, fulfilling, and fun adventure in marriage. I especially benefited from the personality assessment tools; even after 19 years of marriage it proved to be an eye-opener for me, and helped me see myself, my husband, our daughter, and even my employees with much greater perspective—and grace!”
Nancy Stafford
Actress (“Matlock”) and author of The Wonder of His Love: A Journey into the Heart of God
and Beauty by the Book: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You
and Beauty by the Book: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You
You and Cheryl did an excellent job communicating the truth about the marriage covenant with God and each other--for His glory and our good. We also deeply appreciate the open, honest and straightforward details about your own lives. I heard others talking about your willingness to share your own struggles, and how that helped them to realize that every married couple struggles from time to time--that the goal is a process, a progression of maturity in Christ.
Mike Williams
Providence Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC
Outreach/Inreach and Ministry Development
Outreach/Inreach and Ministry Development
As a professional Biblical counselor and minister, I find the teaching of Bob Reccord and Cheryl Reccord to be right on and extremely powerful in helping married couples in crisis to re-ignite their love, or the “Captivating Devotion” that will impassion them to go the distance in their marriage. As I counsel couples, I find, most have forsaken their first love with each other, as well as with the Lord. Bob and Cheryl’s counsel to Remember the devotion with which the relationship started and to be mature enough to Repent and Return has made significant impact in many couples with which I counsel. In addition, I have shared with many couples the questions from Bob’s book, Beneath the Surface, to use with each other to further enhance their relationships.
Bob and Cheryl’s wisdom, love for Christ and practical application of Biblical truth takes lives where they are and helps them move to where they have the potential of being. I would encourage any group that wants a godly man to teach their men, or couple to speak to married couples to call Bob Reccord and Cheryl for your conferences. They are top shelf.
Bob and Cheryl’s wisdom, love for Christ and practical application of Biblical truth takes lives where they are and helps them move to where they have the potential of being. I would encourage any group that wants a godly man to teach their men, or couple to speak to married couples to call Bob Reccord and Cheryl for your conferences. They are top shelf.
Archie L. Bost
Founder/President, CrossLife Ministries, Raleigh NCr
I am most excited to commend the ministry of Bob and Cheryl Reccord. Several adjectives come to mind as I think about the marriage conference they recently conducted at our church: biblical, energetic, relevant, versatile, fun, moving ... just to name a few. The Reccords' ministry with us was a turning point for many marriages. All of us came away refreshed in the lifelong journey of marriage. Bob and Cheryl Reccord are two of God's choice messengers to families in these perilous days.
Michael Dean
Former Senior Pastor
Travis Avenue Baptist Church
Fort Worth, Tx
Travis Avenue Baptist Church
Fort Worth, Tx
Dr. Bob Reccord spoke to our congregation during a Family-Home emphasis. With a wonderful sense of humor, he went straight to God’s Word and offered fresh insight into marriage as God intended – a sacred, lifelong covenant. It is no exaggeration to say that many homes/marriages were rescued as a result. I highly recommend his teaching to you and your church.
Dr. C. Alan Floyd
Sr Pastor, Cottage Hill Baptist Church
Mobile, AL
Mobile, AL
It was great to have a Godly couple share their vulnerabilities, weaknesses and temptations; share what God's Word says about difficulties in marriage and other critical relationships (at our SECBMC Family Camp); and then share with us how incredibly blessed (from their personal experiences) we can be when we put our faith in action to following God's commands to pray, confess and forgive - wow! I am also particularly grateful for their generosity in sharing their time with couples to help them during the times they were not speaking; I know it meant a lot to them.
Mark T. Maund
Christian Businessman's Committee
Christian Businessman's Committee
We recently had Bob and Cheryl Reccord led our fall marriage seminar and it was outstanding! Dr. Reccord and Cheryl have a unique way of bringing martial truth to their audience with authenticity & passion. Their humor, life experiences & relevant message will captivate your church. If you want a powerful marriage weekend / retreat, I don’t know anyone who can communicate any better than Dr. Reccord.
Jerry Walls
Pastor, Southside Baptist Church, Warner Robins